I will start off to say that I really liked this project of representing something, in which mine was a piggy, I thought that it was a lot of fun and challenging. I liked a lot of my images where as a couple of them I really didn't like them after I did them. I really would like to do another representation of something maybe in the future, and challenge myself by observing other classmates work and being inspired by them. Although when you start to compare yourself to others work you start thinking maybe yours was not good enough, but who is to judge that but the viewer, right? We were taught to put the images on what is called picassa, this was through our gmail account. I liked the way we turned these in, I think it makes it easier to view others in a more effective way. I feel as if these images are good ways to play around with photoshop and illustration and makes me more comfortable with them which is really what I need right now. We had to make two of our images an advertisement, but how do you know what makes up a good advertisement? Or is it just words next to a image? To make you laugh? To make you think? Or does it really matter?
When we first started to set up the gmail account I will say I was not excited to have another email. Although I have been taught that there are many more things that gmail provides then just an email account. I like how its not only a email but a resource full of many things that can help a designer out in there careers by posting their work online so that everyone can see it. What a great idea!